To be a professionally managed institution so as to support projects which aim at developping the AIESEC students & alumni international experiences, mostly devoted to education, training and leadership experience
Reinforcing the roles of education, training and leadership, all of them being the “raison d’être” of their existence

Helping them to better develop by providing financing for some of their projects, whether individual or collective

Serving the global network of AIESEC alumni with a commitment to AIESEC’s mission of advancing international leadership for a more united world (alumni to alumni, alumni to AIESEC, alumni to world)

Help and/or reinforce the AIESEC individual professional experience by tutoring activities under different forms, mentorship and training, international job exchanges, etc..

Support programs able to promote AIESEC values and interests: seminars, publications, special events, etc..

Finance projects, provide technical and/or networking assistance, etc…

Support AI and AAI development: traineeship “leads” to AIESEC, Database, Websites, professional services among or between alumni, etc..

Collect projects to be submitted to the Steering Committee of the AIESEC Fund (see “Governance”) which selects those for which it will be seeking donor funding

If necessary, the AIESEC FUND can provide draft examples of the way to present different types of projects (mentoring, seminars, start up projects, etc..)

These initial operations will be used as examples to regularly solicit donors wishing to finance projects, whether already selected or not.